Friday, October 20, 2006

XIX World Congress

XIX World Congress of ISHR

XIX World Congress
Visit the official website World Congress - Italy 2007

The Concept
To organise a congress based on a unique scientific program in a unique environment. The program will range “from cell to man to society”. We believe that in 2007, with the complete availability of the genome information, it will be essential not only to link basic with clinical science, but also to consider the influence of cardiovascular research on lifestyle and the environment and vice versa.
The environment is also relevant to the actual success of the meeting. We believe that Italy, hosting the oldest university in the world, could offer the unique opportunity to ISHR delegates and Italian cardiologists to enjoy the most advanced and modern scientific program in the same environment and the actual rooms where Copernicus, Paracelcius, Giotto, Michelangelo, Harvey, Galileus and Galvani studied and worked. We would like, for the first time ever, to link the four oldest Italian universities as venues for the XIX ISHR World Congress and associated meetings in 2007.
In addition, in 2007, the ISHR will undoubtedly be dealing with problems such as bio-ethics and globalisation of the research and of treatment for cardiovascular disease. What could be a better sight than the Vatican to discuss this? We are currently working on this prospect and hope to succeed.

The Idea
The idea is to offer the cardiological community and the ISHR delegates a four day meeting in Bologna, the oldest university in the world, preceded by one further day, focused on different subjects, in Padova, Ferrara or Pavia, the other three oldest universities in Italy. The major Sections of the ISHR have already decided to hold their annual meetings in 2007 in Italy, just before the main meeting in Bologna. The American Section will meet in Bologna, the European Section will meet in Padova, the Japanese Section will meet in Ferrara, and other Sections may meet in Pavia.
The scientific program for Bologna will deliberately be kept broad. Bologna will represent the “body” of Italy 2007, delegates who wish to do so will move to Bologna after attending a Section meeting or satellite. This is indeed possible, considering that Bologna is only 25 minutes by train from Ferrara, 45 minutes from Padova, and 90 minutes from Pavia. Rome – if we succeed with the Vatican - is 45 minutes from Bologna by plane and, in 2007, 120 minutes or even less by train!
In this way, the delegates will be able to enjoy the unique typical university atmosphere, to visit the enchanting old buildings hosting these universities and to explore the remarkable non-tourist sites of our country.

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